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12.10.04 @ 10:23 P.M.
The One With All The Tangents

Its always so disheartening to me when I go almost a month without updating and reread the last entry and find that NOTHING HAS CHANGED. *sigh*
So, I have been on winter break since about 11:00 yesterday morning. Which is nice. Not to complain about school AGAIN, but I wanted out of some of the classes I took this semester. Actually, just one class. "Science That Matters" (which is not a pun, mind you). The professor for that class was just awful. It's a shame, because the class seemed really interesting when I signed up for it. Theoretically, you're supposed to be taught the basics of all the major sciences: biology, chemistry, genetics, astronomy, geology, physics, etc. Sounds interesting and informative, right? Sadly, all we went over was...well, let me give you a question from our final to show you what this class was like:
"You read an article on a new scientific find. What should you look for to establish credibility?"
What the? Shouldn't we be going over things like...I don't know, the theory of relativity or the periodic table, and not what the definition of critical thinking is? God, that was such an awful class and I'm SO GLAD it's over. I wouldn't have gotten through it if not for my dear friend Niki.
Speaking of Niki: she seems to have found a nice little boyfriend that doesn't annoy her (like most guys do). In fact, seems everyone is in love with someone these days. I've found that love goes in cycles. Either everyone I know is in love or falling out of it at generally the same time. And it just happens to be the part of the cycle where everyone is in love. Which is good for them. I mean, hello, Christmas is ever so romantic. But for us perenially single folk? Eww.
Tangent: So there's this one dude I know. We'll call him Will, since that's his name. He was living with an ex-girlfriend of his (which I'm sure had no awkward moments. Especially when he brought his new girlfriend home, who was a mutual friend of theirs, ahem). The ex-girlfriend was having trouble paying for the apartment because her parents were cutting off their supply of money to her. So there was a chance they'd have to move if she couldn't make it but everything was okay. Then the day before Thanksgiving Will was driving the car ex-girlfriend had paid for to take new girlfriend to the train station. He had to swerve to miss a guy that was going to hit them and ended up crashing into a tree. The car was completely totaled and he ended up spending that night and Thanksgiving morning in the hospital. Well, with the car repairs and the medical bills, they were now forced to move out of the apartment. So Will is heading home with his dad. There was this guy driving a semi who had passed out due to low blood sugar (he was a diabetic and hadn't taken his insulin). So who gets hit not even a week after getting into a car accident? WILL. God hates him, apparantly.
Tangent two: my old friend Sylvia wrote an entry in her blog a while ago where she quoted me. It was so unexpected (especially since the entry was on unneccesary swearing which is something I'm totally guilty of) and I was so flattered (Sylvia is all smart and intellectual) that I started hyperventilating and almost passed out. Okay not really but I was shocked and totally giddy for, like...well the giddiness hasn't really gone away yet come to think of it. I'm easy to please.
Tangent three: For those of you with digital cable or that live in Canada: there's this show called Degrassi (for the US it's on a channel called the-N). And the show? Is AMAZING. You should really watch it. It's the most accurate depiction of modern high school life that you'll ever find.
Tangent four: Speaking of high school, there's this show on VH1 called My Coolest Years. On this show, they do interviews with celebrities to find out what their high school years were like. They divide the episodes into different cliques or aspects of high school life: the hippies, the metalheads, the jocks, etc. The first episode I saw was about what they did on summer vacations. I got kind of sad because all these celebrities did all these cool things like go to beaches and steam up car windows. I've never done that stuff, and most likely never will. But then the episode they showed right after it was The Geeks. And I was laughing so hard because I related to every single thing every person they interviewed said (with the exception of the discussion on Dungeons and Dragons, which can I just take a second and say how glad I am I never got into that? The second you roll that 12 sided die you enter a whole new level of geekdom of which there is no return. With other geeks, there is some hope that you'll grow up and you'll be hot or at least you'll have a lot of money with which you can buy your love. But with D& You're done for. ESPECIALLY if you're a girl. That's just adding salt to the wound man). So I guess I can be classified as a geek.
Tangent five: my obsession with The Phantom of the Opera is getting to be too much. I've mentioned before that I don't sing in the car and it sort of annoys when other people do. But I've gotten so into the music from this play that its reached the point where I've begun to sing along with it, making me more of a hypocrite than I was before. One time I was such in a Andrew Lloyd Webber induced trance that I sang along with it in the parking lot at school. Now, the University of South Florida is a commuter school, so all parking lots are busy. Add to the fact that the parking lot I was in was right near the library and the building where Arts and Sciences classes are held (and you know that, like, 97% of college students fall into an arts and science major), it's a popular parking lot. But like I said, I'm in my own little world and I'm singing and in case you can't tell by the title it has a lot of opera in it so I'm not only singing but I'm singing in this absolutely HORRIFIC falsetto to sound like the trained sopranos that are actually singing. I'm getting all my stuff together to get out of the car and head to class so my head is down and I don't see what's going on outside of the car but then I come up and there's this horde of people walking by me and I got scared and screamed a little bit. It went something like this: "can you deny us the triumph in store?/sing prima donnAHH!" Yeah. Because that wasn't the most embarassing moment of my life. Ugh. I'm such a dumbass.

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy