my spoon is too big
100 Things
other goodies
further stalking
i'm a consumer whore!
Afternoon Delight-The Channel 4 News Team from Anchorman
i live in a giant bucket
my name's sarah, you can call me sarah, i like cats and elvis music and those bobblehead animals you can put on your car dashboard. mmmmm, pizza pie.

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06.12.04 @ 9:44 P.M.
The One With 100 More Things

Since I have nothing to really write about, and since I love talking about myself, and since the questions for the other 100 things were already picked out (by the person who did it before me), I present to you 100 more things you never cared to know about me.

1)My name is Inigo Montoya Sarah Fay Franco.

2)My first name was chosen by my father. My mother and he (is that proper English?) made a deal before I was born that he would get to name the baby if it was a girl, and my mom would get to name the baby if it was a boy. I guess it comes from the Sarah of the Bible, Abraham's wife, which I think is weird because he's not religious at all.

3)My middle name comes from my (favorite) aunt. I love my middle name, as not only does it come from someone I love and admire, but it is quite unique.

4)I don't give a shit about putting my last name on the internet.

5)I have asked my mom what she would have named me if I was boy and if she had gotten to name the girl. Her answers were Daniel (normal, good) and, I shit you not-Ezra if she had gotten to name the girl. Ezra. My name would have been Ezra Franco. Christ. What kills me is that that name was chosen from one of her favorite poets (Ezra Pound of course-who else is fucking named Ezra??) who is a fucking GUY.

6)When I am in a good mood, I have too much faith in people. When I am in a bad mood, too little.

7)Probably the most embarassing cd in my collection is Culture Club's Greatest Hits. Fuck it, I love those boys.

8)There are diaries I have on my buddy list whose authors annoy me beyond belief, and I just keep them on the list to laugh at how bad they are (and, yep, it's probably you).

9)In case you haven't gotten the theme of this diary yet, my favorite food is pizza.

10)I think people that put pineapple or anchovies on pizza are ruining a perfectly good pizza,and for that should be shot.

11)I don't have one favorite movie. There are many I love.

12)Mean Girls is the only movie I have seen in the theater more than once (and when I go out, I go all out-I saw that movie a grand total of five times)(yeah, I'm pretty embarassed by that) (but, what can I say, I love Tina Fey).

13)For favorite television show, it would have to be a tie between Get Smart and The X-Files. God, there are so many shows I want to add to this (such as Newsradio, Alias, and Friends) but if I had to pick an absolute favorite, those would be it.

14)My favorite song is "Go Your Own Way" by my favorite band Fleetwood Mac.

15)Fleetwood Mac also hold the honor of favorite album with The Dance.

16)Outside of Fleetwood Mac, there are very few bands that I would consider myself a fan of. If you want to go by bands/artists I have bought more than one album from, they would include: Madonna (who I have admired and loved since I was a wee baby), Robbie Williams, blink 182, *N Sync and 98 Degrees. Yeah, shutup about those last three.

17)I'm not ashamed to say I like the boybands, 98 Degrees being my favorite (since if you listened to them you would see they can really sing).

18)I like to consider myself a patriot.

19)I am beyond obsessed with serial killers, which lead to dreams of being Special Agent Sarah Franco, F.B.I. for the longest time.

20)In a feat long thought to be statistically impossible, I was born with every recessive gene. Short, blonde hair, blue eyes, etc. etc. etc.

21)I easily become obsessed with things.

22)My first career ambition was to be an actress after seeing my first movie (Revenge, with Kevin Costner). That's never really gone away, at least not in my daydreams.

23)I am an only child, but I wish I wasn't.

24)My good friend Sylvia turned me into a Tarantino addict.

25)The walls of my room are decorated fairly sparsely compared to other teenagers. There are three Derek Jeter posters, two blink 182 posters, four Beatles posters, the Union Jack, a poster from St. Paul's Cathedral in London(my favorite place in the world), a kickass clock from Vegas I jacked from my grandparents, a framed print of the Mad Bluebird, England's Coat of Arms (yeah, real fucking patriot there Sarah), and an entire wall filled with all pictures great and small of Fleetwood Mac. Umm, just take my word that that isn't as much as it sounds.

26)I am a packrat, leading to a room so messy you wouldn't believe it if I posted pictures (the family and I are in the process of cleaning it at the moment, I may post pictures when it is kickass)

27)I am tres wee (4'11")

28)I am fan of many stereotypical �guy� movies. Not action movies, but stuff like Animal House(one of my favorites) and Caddyshack.

29)I am a bleeding heart liberal. I usually will not listen to you if you start sprouting your Republican nonsense to me.

30)If there was one movie character I am most like personality wise, I�m sad to say it would be Gracie Hart from Miss Congeniality. �I don�t even own a dress. I don�t even own a BRUSH!� Heh.

31)I don�t wear makeup. This is because I am not going to bother waking up early to cake myself with crap that won�t make me look better anyway.

32)That�s another thing-you will rarely find me awake. I love my sleep man.

33)Recently, I�ve begun taking my dog Blue with me wherever I go. He is my furry partner in crime, and I love him. We may love each other, but my family argues a whole lot and there have been too many times where Blue has been my only ally. Okay, I�m trying to say I heart all animals, not just my own (even though I am not a vegetarian) (but I did try to be, I really tried).

34)I heart breakfast foods

35)I don�t like sweets outside of chocolate, which I am genetically predisposed to liking since I am a woman.

36)Do I look down on people because of their race? No. But do I assume things about them if they are a certain race (example: if you are black, you most likely listen to rap music) based on their race? Does this make me racist?

37)Like 95% of women, I have very very low self-esteem. I am not proud of anything I have done, ever. In my sophomore year of high school, I took an AP class. Allow me to explain for any of you that don�t know what that is: Advanced Placement, or AP, is a college-level class. At the end of the year, you take a standardized cumulative test. On the test, you can get a 1 to 5, 5 being the highest. Usually if you score a 3 or above, you can get college credit for the class. Okay, so, back to my story. Sophomore year I take an AP American History class. I was one of a handful of sophomores in this mostly junior class. Over the summer, I get my test score back and much to my surprise, it was a five. Turns out that not only was I the only sophomore to get a five, but the only person in the entire class. Well, I was quite proud of my accomplishment. The next year I took AP European History. We had been told time and time again that this is probably the easiest AP class offered and that the test would be much easier than American. I had been getting an A in the class all year, I had worked hard, and we had done a lot of reviewing in class and out. I was fairly confident going in to the test. Imagine how I felt when I found out I got a two. A fucking two. It got worse when I found out that every. single. person. in the class had scored (ya know, three or above) except for one other person besides me, a ditzy cheerleader senior who had skipped more than half the year. I have not been proud of anything since.

38) I was born in New York.

39) My grandparents offered my mom and aunt a free house to move to Port Richey, Florida, with them when I was three years old.

40) My cousin and I, both harboring dreams of living in New York, have resented their decision practically our entire lives.

41)Although I would much rather live in New York, I don�t mind Florida as much as I used to. I hate the heat, but other than that there are some things I really like. Two examples:

42)We get lots of hurricanes, and I love storms

43) AMUSEMENT PARKS! Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, Busch Gardens? Yes please.

44)For my last two years of college, I hope to live in Gibsonton, FL.

45)Like I mentioned, I want to live in New York City when I�m done with school.

46)I want to retire to Alaska.

47)I love coming of age stories.

48)Shit, I was trying to put all my favorites earlier, but I forgot my favorite book: The Thief of Always by Clive Barker.

49)My biggest celebrity crush is Lindsey Buckingham, guitarist for Fleetwood Mac. It is embarassing to like a guy with a girl�s name.

50)Coming in at a close second is Derek Jeter.

51)I worship the New York Yankees. This has caused many an argument with non-Yankees fans.

52)I find it strange that I like the Yankees, because usually I root for the underdog and hate teams that win everything.

53)I am obsessed with the Serta Counting Sheep (yes, I have everything on those pages).

54)I heart board games. Clue is my favorite.

55)I am an accent whore. I love any and all accents, from suthin� drawls, to midwestern accents dontchaknow, to �oh my gosh you�re Canadian? Get oot of here!� to Bahstin accents, and, of course, the one that never fails to melt my heart: British.

56)Oftentimes, I can be found quoting the Simpsons like mad. Everything seemingly reminds me of a Simpsons episode.

57)I am obsessed with World War II. Specifically, the Nazis.

58)I am good with electronics.

59) My family and I have always thought I was more like my aunt Fay and my cousin was like my mom. Suspicious...

60)From the end of fourth grade to the end of sixth, my mother and I lived in Casper, Wyoming. How did we end up there? A guy she met. On the Internet. Yeah, my mom is fucking apeshit insane when it comes to guys. Who the fuck moves across the entire fucking country for a guy you meet over the Internet? She does.

61)The guy we moved for actually ended up dying of a heart attack shortly after we moved back to Florida. Which was horrible of course.

62) I loved living in Casper. It was probably the happiest time of my life.

63)My favorite animal outside of my dog Blue is the polar bear. I am obsessed with them.

64)I am sort of a sucker for the dating reality shows, and I sort of want to be on one.

65)I am the worst liar that ever lived.

66)I am often picked on for ordering burgers at any restaraunt we go to.

67)That being said, no one in my family has been able to make a burger that I like. Seriously-they�re horrible.

68)My ultimate dream job would be to be an SNL cast member. Sadly, I am not funny and I�m sure I would constantly break character.

69)I hate math and science.

70)I�m bad with grammar, mainly because none of the English teachers I had focused on it. Thanks Florida education system.

71)I�ve always been a Matt Damon girl, never Ben Affleck

72)Life is Beautiful is the only movie that has made me cry.

73)I would like to piss on the faces of people that call Americans stupid (fuck you Weetabix, who do you think you are?)

74)I am really nervous about insulting another diarist like that.

75)My favorite Disney character has always been Pluto.

76)Wait, I mean the original core Disney characters, like Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore.

77)I inherited my mom�s trait of loving older men.

78)My whole life, people have been telling me I look like my mom. My whole life, I�ve never seen it.

79)I�ve mentioned this before, but I�m half Italian, half Jewish. These are the two most neurotic races in the history of the world. I think with me, they cancelled each other out because I�m quite laid back.

80)I love driving without a destination. However, if I am forced to drive to a new place I HATE it because I am so incredibly awful with directions.

81)I love to travel, but I don�t do it often.

82)I really hope dead relatives aren�t looking down on me. I do embarrassing things.

83)I spend an unhealthy amount of time alone.

84)I don�t believe in ghosts, aliens, or other paranormal things.

85)My favorite John Hughes movie is Weird Science.

86)I hate when people that can�t sing try to sing, whether it be doing karaoke or in the car or whatever. I am not hypocritical in this respect, as I never sing. I did once when I was very alone and found I had inherited my father�s bass voice. I don�t think any woman should have a bass voice. EVER.

87)Winter is absolutely my favorite season.

88)I really want a tattoo. I don�t know of what, but I want it on my lower back. And maybe one on my ankle too.

89)My favorite color is blue. (And not just because of my pup)

90)I call every dog �pup� or �puppy� regardless of age and size.

91)My first concert was the Backstreet Boys (ugh) and my most recent was Fleetwood Mac (easily the greatest concert I�ve ever been to)

92)I cuss a whole lot, but believe it or not it used to be a hell of a lot worse.

93)Since we lived literally right next door to my grandparents and nobody in the family but my cousin and I wanted to go to New York, we never took any trips as a family.

94)I am the only Italian woman on the face of the Earth that can�t cook. For SHAME.

95)I hate hiccups SO. MUCH. Also, vomiting.

96)I sleep on my stomach, the worst position for your neck and back.

97)I only wear t-shirts and jeans. Literally, that is all I own.

98)I could not give you directions to get out of my driveway, that�s how bad I am with them.

99)I don�t like to tell people my birthday. Because if I do and they forget, then they feel bad, and I don�t want them to feel bad because I wanted them to forget anyway. And if they don�t forget, then they�ll buy me a gift, which I�ll feel awful about because I�ll inevitably forget their birthday. I always say it�s April 1st, which is a line I stole from a movie.

100) I�m extremely shy, especially outside of the protection of the Internet and if I don�t know you well.

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy