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Afternoon Delight-The Channel 4 News Team from Anchorman
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06.23.04 @ 6:19 P.M.
The One With The Stupid Relationship (Not Mine Of Course) Drama

Okay, so, this is about attempt number fifteen to start this entry(attempts 1-10 testing how to make a thumbnail image). Can I whine for a bit? Is that okay with you guys? It probably isn't, but I'll do it anyway. Because I have nothing to say and I don't imagine you want to read another 125 things about me, do you? (Because I'll totally do another list-I thought of lots of things I forgot)

But first things first. Pictures. Observe: moi.

A hee hee.

It actually is not light years away from yours truly. Especially the Yankee cap, American flag tattoo(on my FACE) and the kickass shades. Just, ya know, add a metric ton onto her figure and I'd say yeah, pretty much me.

So, more drama, except that this time, it's real.

If you were to look at my cast page, you'd see I mention a couple by the name of Jim and Karina. They've been together for three years now, and they are both going to college in Orlando (different colleges though).

I forget if I mention this in the cast page, but I've had a crush on Jim since before they got together, so more than three years.

Well, even though we haven't talked since last fall(not because we got in a fight or anything, we were both just busy with school. Well, he was busy with school. I was busy writing in here), Jim calls me last night out of the blue. And you know it has to be pretty bad for a person you barely talk to to call you. Especially if it's a guy. Guys don't call "just to catch up."

Well, it turns out that Karina, love of his life, is not allowed to see old Jimmy boy anymore thanks to her father. According to Karina's dad, Jim is not a real man and can't take care of her. He doesn't have a job, he never takes her out(because he's ashamed of her, according to her father), yadda yadda yadda, all this other bullshit. All of this is, of course, not true. They were having money problems but he just started at a new job on Monday, they don't go out because he is, like me, an anti-social homebody that is much more comfortable cuddling on a couch than going out, but he was willing to go out with Karina (as she had a conversation with him letting him know that "she's BORED and she wants to DO STUFF") when the money started coming in from his job.

Now, her father (it is only the father and Karina in the house by the way-the rest of the family is in Ireland visiting family)is screening her calls and reading her e-mail and not letting her out of the house. Why anyone would stand for this is beyond me. It is beyond insane. As Jim put it, "tyrannical."

So, anyway, Jim is telling me all this and, basically, being a little bitch about it. He was saying things I didn't think were said outside of songs by boybands. "I can't live without her." "Everytime I close my eyes I...I see her face." Dude. DUDE? Are you shitting me with this? Don't get me wrong-I didn't make fun of him. I'm not (as much of) an asshole when it comes to my friends. I listened and did my best to comfort him. But what I really wanted to do was steal a line from Dr. Cox:"I'm gonna go ahead and write you a prescription for two testicles; and you feel free to get this filled out whenever you want."

Last night we came up with this plan on me meeting up with Karina and slipping her a note with a way for her to get in touch with Jim (although he kept saying "I'm so scared she won't want to see meeeeee"-shut UP man). I was all for helping him. I mean, even though I've wanted him this whole time and haven't been able to do anything about it, and even though she treats him like absolute shit, and that she agreed with her father, it was obvious he loves her and that this was killing him. Plus, he's my friend before anything else, and I am a sucker for my friends.

But this morning I woke up all pissed off. She doesn't deserve him, and she never has. Besides, she doesn't seem to heart broken over it ("he didn't change when I asked him to"-said to Jim's friend Ramil)(you shouldn't want to change someone you're in love with, no? I mean isn't that what it's about?) It is hard for selfish bitch like me to do things for other people, even if they are my friends. Whatever, he got in touch with her somehow last night and they're meeting on their own accord so I don't have to be a part of it. But I know he'd be so much better off without her, so is it wrong I'm hoping it doesn't work out? ...Yeah. Yeah it is. I hate myself for thinking it, but what else is new?

Wasn't this stupid drama over relationships supposed to end in high school? For fuck's sake, nothing has changed. I think it's directly related to the fact that our parents are still doing our laundry. How mature you are is proportional to how much laundry you do. You're a grown up when you do your own.

Whatever. Sorry this has been a bitch fest. I hate when I get like that. I'll clean it up with a picture of my baby boy Blue.

(click for bigger image) (no, seriously, please click for bigger image. It took me forever to figure out how to do a thumbnail.)

P.S. Sorry the image up top is not working (and thank you so so much Irishblueyes for offering me a place to host images) (but don't worry, I have a gold membership). The design site I got it from is going through some changes but hopefully Mr. Banana and friend will be back soon.

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy