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10.15.04 @ 6:57 P.M.
The One With A "Litany Of Complaints"

By Sarah Franco

1)The fact that I don't seem to have the time to sit down and type out an entry anymore.
Worse, I haven't responded to some notes I got, which makes me feel like a total asshole. I actually have been doing things (many related to the Kerry campaign) and getting a life, and when I'm not doing that I'm doing homework, and when I'm not doing that I just pass out. I haven't even written about how I'm having such a better time and I am a million times happier at USF than I was at the college that shall not be named. This happiness has led to me getting involved in stuff, such as:
-Students for Kerry and College Democrats (it's stupid that they're two seperate clubs, don't you think?). These clubs do a lot of canvassing (going door to door and trying to get people to vote for Kerry), phone banking (same thing but on the phone), and voter registration. We have hosted debate watching parties for all three debates, which were fun. But the biggest thing by far was that after the first debate in Miami, President Senator Kerry's first stop was nowhere other than USF's very own Sundome!!! To say that was piss-your-pants exciting would be an understatement. I volunteered, and while that didn't get me backstage to meet him, it did get me on the floor for the speech. It was so cool because it was right after that first debate where he kicked so much ass. When he came off the stage to go around and shake people's hand, he was like two people away from me. I didn't get to shake his hand (we were surrounding him in a circle and he only went around a half circle), which sucked, but what are you gonna do? Sidenote: secret service agents? Are buff. And nice looking. Now we return to our regularly scheduled idiocy. And while I'm sure you're all so fucking sick and tired of political rhetoric (especially if you live in a swing state, like I do-probably the most important swing state actually, especially after, say it with me now, THE 2000 ELECTION), I have to perform my civic duty and get down on my knees and beg and plead with you to VOTE EARLY. Be it through absentee ballot or early voting (sorry I didn't make this nonpartisan and got both those links through the DNC) both are extremely easy ways to make sure your vote is counted. Plus, you won't have to wait on line on November 2nd.
-Alpha Phi Omega. APO is a service fraternity (that is coed...obviously). I am a lowly pledge right now, so I have a lot of events to go to for them. Tomorrow, I am volunteering at an animal sanctuary with them and then we are going to the school's homecoming game. Wee! Exciting stuff. I love the people I am meeting through this, they are all so kickass. You can find out more about APO if you are so inclined here.
-The Sierra Club. I got a job!!! Oh yes I did. I am a working stiff. The job is through the Sierra Club. I get paid 9 bucks an hour (which is really good compared to other jobs and the little work I have to do). Basically, we drive around the Tampa/St. Pete area and go door to door to try and get a gague on how people are feeling about the environment and Bush. I don't have any horror stories yet, but I'll say this: I think it can pretty much be proven scientifically that Republicans are bigger assholes than Democrats. I'm just saying.
-The Classical Society. I have to represent as a Classics major. We've only had one meeting, and it was at my Greek Civilization professor's (who, by the by, is also my advisor) house. She gave out alcohol!! I, of course, did not partake.
Yeah, so that's pretty much what I've been up to lately. So let's move on to other things that are annoying me!
2)Tampa drivers
Okay, I make about an hour commute to Tampa each day from my house to school. And every day, I have to deal with speeders, people riding on my ass, traffic jams (something I never had to deal with in my small town) and having to slam on my brakes so I don't killed by an asshole who just had to make his turn even though there isn't anyone behind me. Tampa drivers are horrific.
3)My science class
It sucks. End of story.
4)The fact that my foot is asleep right now.
5)Chik Fil-A
Chik Fil-A is a restaraunt that has managed to make delicious food that is also relatively healthy. However, for these delicacies, you must pay one MILLION dollars. Or at least really close to it. They're expensive is what I'm saying.
6)The fact that I am a doormat.
Seriously, I am a scientific marvel: I am a mammal that can stand up straight, yet am an invertebrate. I have no backbone what so ever. Do you need someone to walk over? Come visit me, Sarah! I'll be waiting! Here is an impression of myself and how I would act if a situation like this ever happened:
Sarah: Hi there. Can I have my coat back? Here's my ticket.
Coat Check Guy:
Sarah: Wh-what?
Coat Check Guy: No, you can't have it back.
Sarah: Well, why not?
Coat Check Guy: Um, well, you see, this guy that picked on my in high school had a jacket that was the exact same color so...I cut your jacket up into pieces and then pissed on it.
Sarah: grandmother made that for me before she's really special to me...
Coat Check Guy: Mmm hmm. Well, there's really nothing I can do.
Sarah: But...but...
Coat Check Guy: Sorry about that.
Sarah: *fake smile* Oh, it's okay. Don't worry about it. I'll just...get another jacket...You have a nice evening sir!
Coat Check Guy: Thanks! You too.
Sarah: *goes outside and freezes to death due to lack of jacket*
That's totally what would happen. I swear. 7)Security Guards and limo drivers Tuesday night I went to a comedy show the school was throwing for homecoming week with my friends in APO. The performers were Pablo Francisco, Orlando Jones (both of whom were on Mad TV, although Orlando has been in a million other things, including the original Make 7-Up Yours commercials), Dean Edwards, and Jim Bruer (both of whom were on SNL). I am a big fan of all these comics (except for Pablo, who I hadn't heard of but who turned out to be HILARIOUS). On the way back to my car, I saw the backstage area with the limos where the comics would be coming out. Freaking out about the fact that I might get to meet them, I went down there and went up to the drivers who were all standing in a group. I go up to them and in my sweetest voice go "so are you guys the drivers for the comics?" "...Yeah..." "So this is where they'll be coming out?" "Well I imagine so..." (by the way, this limo driver was talking in the most degrading tone ever) Then another limo driver said "but we can't grant you any access." Okay, whatever, I go off to the side and make a phone call. At this time the piece of shit limo drivers go inside the building. While they're in there, three other people came to join me in waiting for a chance to meet the comics. A few minutes later, some small dick "security" guards come out asking if we've got credentials. Fuck you you wannabe cops, we just want an autograph. The thing that bothers me the most is that these comics aren't so well known that they'd be assholes to their fans. They probably would be glad to stop for autographs and pictures. Oh well.
Hmmm. Well, I suppose that's it. Hopefully, I will update more, especially after the election. Later kiddos.

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy