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02.29.04 @ 1:01 A.M.
The One With All The She Spies Quotes


Have you heard of the show She Spies?

I think it's only in sydnication.

Whatever. It's this really bad show, right?

And I was watching SNL and it came on right after that and I was doing something on the computer(read: watching guy on guy porn) so I didn't get up to change it.

And I actually LAUGHED at one of the lines.

And then, I went looking for the quote to put in here. This led to more quotes...and more laughing!

Looks like somebody has another guilty pleasure to add to the collection.


Jack Wilde: If he gets those hands on those trade secrets the livelihoods of thousands of factory workers are at stake.

Cassie McBain: So is this another one of those conversations where we both know all these things but for some reason we have to say them out loud?

Jack Wilde: Yeah, I guess so.


Shane Phillips: We've got 'She Spy' action figures.

D.D. Cummings: We have 'She Spy' action figures?

Shane Phillips: Yeah. You wind them up and they dare you to find their time slot.


Cassie McBain: It looks like something Kandinsky threw up on. What? Dennis Miller's gone, somebody's got to make pretentious semi-obscure references.


D.D. Cummings: What's a plethora?

Shane Phillips: 'Flora' with a lisp.


Jack Wilde: Give me a J.Lo.

Bartender: What's that?

Jack Wilde: Whatever you want - just put it in a big-ass glass.


Jack Wilde: In regards to our roles, maybe we should be wacky siblings?

Cassie McBain: Can we still be married?

Jack Wilde: In certain parts of Kentucky and West Virginia. And for anyone from those lovely states who might have overhead, I was of course making a joke.


[in the middle of a clip episode]

Jack Wilde: That's odd - my memory seems to be coming back in perfectly-packaged little scenes.


Jack Wilde: I work with a team...three people. One black, one white...but two are blonde which would rule out the Mod Squad.


Jack Wilde: Hey! Come back here. I ordered a Diet Coke. Not this generic and fizz-free soft drink that looks like a prop on some first-run syndicated TV show.


Jack Wilde: Dr. Franco, it's happening again. The unshakeable feeling I'm a sidekick whose only purpose is to give exposition in an action-adventure show!

(author's note:this is my favorite quote of the bunch :D)


Jack Wilde: [voiceover] While both sides have valid points of view, the producers of 'She Spies' wish to state that we take no stand whatsoever on the issue of animal testing, as we lack the moral fiber to take a strong position on anything at all


Cassie McBain: [hitting a bad guy with a sled named Rosebud] I just Kaned a Citizen. I love action quips.


Sadly, I could not find the quote that started this new obsession. Oh well.

You have to respect a show that can make fun of itself.

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy