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02.11.04 @ 8:46 A.M.
The One With All The Pain

Friends, countrymen, lend me your ears(eyes?), and I shall bore you with a rant about Old Navy sandals.

It has been decided Sarah is no longer allowed to wear any kind of footwear other than sneakers. It has also been decided Sarah is not allowed to talk about herself in the third person, but Sarah has been doing that for so long that it will take a while for Sarah to stop.

Okay, so as a Christmas gift, I got clothes from Old Navy from my aunt in New Jersey who we really don't know well at all. So usually, whatever clothes she picks out for us we don't like and we exchange them. So I decide to get a pair of sandals because, for serious, every single girl I know has a pair of Old Navy sandals. So I get this pair in a really pretty shade of blue and I'm all excited about it.

The day finally comes to break the bad boys in. All I can say is: OH. MY. GOD.

How in the FUCK do you girls wear these things?!?!?! No, seriously. How???

First of all: the things were seriously slicing up my toes. I mean...ow. I was almost late to the class I was heading to because there was an extra FORTY FIVE MINUTES added on to my walking time since I had to start CRAWLING at one point. Okay, that's not true. But the pain made the walking time seem to increase a million fold.

And then, THEN, I almost tripped, oh, let's see, one, two...SEVENTEEN GAJILLION TIMES. In all fairness though, that happens every single time I've worn open toed shoes, and, come to think of it, happens quite a bit when I'm wearing sneakers too. Silly Sarah.

Oh, but the saga continues. So I finally get to my class and it takes about the whole hour that the class lasts for my legs to calm down since, ya know, they were ON FIRE. We're dismissed, and I brace myself for what is sure to be a rough trek back to the dorm. I step out to see that it's rained, and there are puddles everywhere. Have you tried to walk through a puddle wearing jeans and sandals? Hmmm? Oh, be sure to try it. It's a blast. Feels great.

I'm sure it's just me and that I'm too stupid to wear these medieval torture devices sandals. So if someone far more intelligent than I is in the market for a pair of sandals, please send $250 to:


c/o The Dorm of Loud People and the Smells that Plague Them at the University of Florida

Shit Town, FL 66669 (heh heh, 69)

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy