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04.26.05 @ 3:15 P.M.
The One With The Answers To The TV Meme

Answers to the fun meme from previous entry:
1)Alias-Jack Bristow

Based on my past history, theoretically my favorite character should be Marshall, the requisite science geek who is funny, short, socially awkward, and adorable beyond reason (see The X-Files below). And Marshall is definitely my second favorite. But no one can compare to Spy Daddy. People who watch the show understand: Jack is awesome, plain and simple. He's so interesting because he's always in a grey area, never good or bad. He'll manipulate and use his own daughter (as he has since her childhood) one second, and then expose himself to genetic-mutating levels of radiation the next to save her life (that sentence would make more sense if you watch the show). A lot of what makes Jack compelling is the actor who plays him, Victor Garber, who has the ability to make this cold man loveable with one grimace, small smile, or line reading. And on that note, Jack has some of the best lines in the series:
"I think if you stuck with it, you'd be the type of teacher your students always remember."
"Unless it was an E-vite...I don't read E-vites." Okay, enough, enough, I could go on forever with this.
2)Ed-Carol Vessey

Again, with the character I should theoretically hate but I love and a lot has to do with the talent of the actress playing the character. On paper, Carol isn't very likable. She's flighty and she turned down this guy who did all these mind-numbingly romantic things to win her over again and again, and she's the blonde cheerleader/sorority girl/perfect type that is so easy to hate. But if you watch the show, you'd see she is the most realistic and relatable of all the characters. And even though we didn't get to see it that much, she was also really really funny: "a feeling I like to call...jackass-yness."
3)Family Guy-
If I was being picky, it's actually the evil monkey that lives in Chris' closet

The sad part is, he wasn't always evil...
But if you want to go with characters that actually have dialogue and appeared in more than four episodes, I'll have to go with Mayor Adam West.

Stupid? Yes. Idiotic? Yes. But this taffy-loving man is beyond hilarious. Plus, BATMAN!
4)Friends-Chandler Bing

Oh, I'm sorry-were there other characters on this show? Look, the bottom line is, Chandler Bing is cool and you know it. The funniest, cutest, and most relatable character on the show who provided us all with years of joke material ("the cushions are the essence of the chair") and a new way of speaking. Could he BE any cooler?
5)Gilmore Girls-Sookie St. James

This was the hardest choice of them all. I had to get really mean and think of every little thing each character did that pissed me off. The only one that didn't do anything was Sookie. She has just always been funny, sweet, and good hearted. She has also has good taste in guys (who doesn't love Jackson?!), unlike some other characters on the show, ahem Rory (for God's sake, STOP BRINGING BACK DEAN WRITERS).
6)The Office-Jim Halpert

Errr, I suppose I should've mentioned I meant the American version. This show really only just started, and Jim only wins because he's the hottest member of the cast. But even the extras on this show make me laugh at least 15 times per episode. Great show. (And yes, I'm sure the British version is better, but I haven't had a chance to see that and it doesn't mean this version isn't amazing)
7)Queer As Folk-Brian Kinney

I've mentioned this time and time again. Forget about the fact that he is number four on my list of Men That Are So Hot I Would Take A Bullet For Them. In the words of Sarah:"Arrogant. Condescending. Emotionally stunted. Cruel to the people he loves, but it's the sudden acts of unselfish kindness that really make me love Brian...Brian is horrid to the point where I'm about to give up on him, and then he shows a glimmer of humanity and I'm in love again." Also, a case of love becoming fiercer due to hatred of everyone else.
8)Scrubs-The Todd (aka Todd Quinlan)

I'd like to double his entendre.
In this show that has made me laugh more than any other, The Todd is the character that has made me laugh the most. And when everyone else is depressed after learning hard lessons about life, The Todd is always there with a high five and a "how's your penis?"
9)The Simpsons-Homer Simpson

It's such an obvious choice, but he's such a great character. Even though he has screwed up in some way in every episode of all 189 seasons, there have been an equal number of times when he shows the ridiculous amount of love he has for his family. I love Homer so much that I actually own a Homer bowling ball. Seriously, I do.
10)The X-Files-technically? Agent Pendrell.

This little lab assistant captured my heart pretty much around the first time we were introduced to him:
Scully: Well done Agent Pendrell. Keep up the good work.
Pendrell: Hey, thanks. Keep it up yourself!
(Scully leaves)
"Keep it up yourself!" What a doof.
In this show that had storylines dealing with alien babies, a character that wouldn't acknowledge the paranormal with evidence RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, and where the only continuity was the main character's names, the thing that pissed me off most about this show was when they killed Pendrell off. Why? Why couldn't he end up with Scully and have little redheaded science geeks? WHY?
But if you want to go with characters that weren't killed off (WHY?), it, of course, has to be:
Dana Scully

Because, in Sylvia's words, "she's cool AND short."
Of course, you can't watch the X-Files and not love Mulder. And as a certified X-Phile, it is a sin for me to say anything bad about Mulder. But Scully was so much more interesting. Mulder seemed to have just one facet of his personality: his quest to prove aliens were out there. With Scully, you get her struggles with her faith (which as a fellow Catholic I always felt I could relate to), her desire to lead a normal life but always sticking right by that crazy man of hers (because she couldn't end up with Pendrell. Because they killed him off. WHY???), cancer (for a couple of episodes anyway), and trying to deal with the fact that she could no longer deny the existence of the paranormal. And yes, Mulder had some classic lines ("is there any way I can get if off without betraying my cool exterior?"), but Scully had quite the sense of snarky humor herself:
"...meanwhile, I've quit the FBI and become a spokesperson for the Ab Roller."
"Well, I guess I'm done here. You seem to have invalidated your own work. Have a nice life!"
Awww. My hero.
And finally,
11)Get Smart-Max Smart

You know what's funny? A lot of people I talk to that are around my age say they, like me, loved this show as a kid. Ironic, considering that it was spoofing the Cold War and we had no idea what the hell that was. Moving on to the topic at hand. I love Max because he was perfect. What's that? You find that very hard to believe? Would you believe...competent? No? How about dumb as a bag of rocks? Max taught me that not only could a clutzy ass become a superspy, but that they can also get a hot partner in the process. He is my motivation as I drag myself through school until the day I become a superspy, when I'll be living a life undoubtedly filled with intrigue and every kind of danger imaginable. And...loving it.
So, oh my God, LONGEST POST EVER. Sorry about that, Chief. Never doing a meme again.

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy