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08.21.04 @ 1:53 P.M.
The One About The Messages My Subconcious Is Sending Me

I am so jealous of people that have normal dreams.

Because my dreams? Are fucked up beyond belief. Seriously.

It's like if everyone else's dreams were a movie, they would be of the "Julia Roberts in Love is Nice" (Priest:"One groom...TWO grooms?" *faints* Kid: "RADICAL!" Random guy in tux: "Is that your...FINAL answer?" *laughter*)type variety, while mine is a fucking David Lynch movie.

An example of a normal person's dream: they break up with someone in real life, they have a dream of being with them again.

An example of my dream: in real life, I am thinking about what it would be like to be Mrs. Derek Jeter. However, I instead dream that I am lost at school.

I'd like to see what those people that interpert dreams have to say about me. Like how about the dream I had a week ago that I was at Tea Leoni's wedding to some Greek dude named Ron that she met on the set of Xena: Warrior Princess. This makes no sense. Firstly, I hated Tea when I was a kid because she got to marry David Duchovny. Because if only he had met me first, he TOTALLY would have chosen me. Secondly, she is a pretty respected actress, why would she be on the set of Xena: Warrior Princess? And that would be taking into consideration that the show ended 15 years ago and there was no possible way she could be on the set, much less with some hairy Greek dude named Ron. I guess this is what my subconcious makes of me watching reruns of The Naked Truth and My Big Fat Greek Wedding in the same day.

I also just woke up from a dream that involved a former teacher(I may have mentioned him on here before-my Latin teacher?) giving me extremely weird compliments during his (judging by the material, remedial) English class that I was in for some reason and that was taught in his house, my dead grandmother, and a cute golden retriver.

Go on. Try to make sense of it. I dare you.

Maybe I shouldn't eat Tabasco sauce before I go to bed...

Part one of the New York entries later tonight, I promise!

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy