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03.10.04 @ 6:31 P.M.
The One With The Rant That Never Ends(yes it goes on and on my friend)

My mom has been in a relationship with this one guy for over a year.

Even though I never liked him, I never mentioned him on here. But lately he has been at the forefront of my shit list, so its time for another rant.

There are so many things wrong with this guy, who, for convience, will hereonafter be referred to as Jackass. He is so far from being worthy of my mom that its not even funny.

Yet for some unknown reason, my mom thinks Jackass is worth her time.

The thing that annoys me about Jackass the most is how my mom has changed for him. Jackass is younger than her, and so while mom used to have a great attitude about her age and was proud to be a member of the over forty club, she now spends thousands of dollars on products she doesn't use to look younger(even though she doesn't look old at all) because she has gotten so insecure about her age. There are also weight loss products and constant berating of herself also. While mom hasn't always had the highest self-esteem, it was never this bad. She always says that it's not like he's doing or saying anything to make her do these things, she's bringing it upon herself, but it's funny how all this stuff coincided with when she started this relationship. All this while Jackass can't even be bothered to SHAVE.

This is a long distance relationship(he's in California) so they are on the phone constantly. Like...all the time. Which is amazing, because they don't talk about ANYTHING. It's all "oh, what are you making for dinner tonight?" and "oh, I love you baby." Seriously. Same thing-every. single. time. Yet whenever her phone rings and it's him, she has to rush to answer it like its some kind of emergency and if she doesn't get it he won't call back approximately two seconds later. Her voice then proceeds to rise eight octaves ("hiiii!") and, no matter what she is in the middle of, she leaves it and goes and locks herself in her room. They spend two hours talking about "so...what are you doing?" and there's no way you can communicate with her, no matter how dire the situation is. I'm worried that one day, she's going to be in the middle of cooking dinner and he'll call and she'll leave the stove on and the house will burn down and she'll die in a fire because she was ignoring all of us that were trying to tell her to get out. And if he calls while she's already in the room and I'm in the room with her(as I often am, because the only computer in the house with internet access is in her room) no matter what I'm doing, she'll kick me out. This always seems to happen right when I'm in the middle of something. And if he doesn't call, then she'll make me stop and switch to her screen name to check for an e-mail from him. An e-mail which will inevitably read "i luv u :)" to which she will have to respond RIGHT AWAY! Since she talks to him so much, she put him on our cell phone plan, sent him a brand spankin new phone(while her phone has been dropped so many times it can't dial out), and foots the bill.

She treats him so good and makes all these concessions for him, and what does he do in return? He doesn't listen to her when she needs to vent about work(which she often does, being a nurse)(to quote:"I know work gets frustrating...but you just have to find a way to leave it at work." ?!). He doesn't...shit, he doesn't do ANYTHING for her except send the occasional flowers on her birthday(original, eh?). He has the classic two symtoms of utter and complete loserness:he is unemployed and lives with his mother(although, in his defense, he claims to only have moved in with her after his father died). He has two kids from another woman(that he was never married to) and while my mom sent them gifts for both birthday and christmas...I got a tape recorder for college as a graduation gift(I have never used it). I realize it is petty to play the gift card, especially when he is unemployed...I'm just trying to make him sound as bad as possible, k? It is no suprise he treats her bad. They say you can always tell how a man will treat you by the way he treats his mother. And my mom has mentioned to me that he's really mean to her.

Jackass and mom have broken up about...50 million times. During the first couple of million times it happened, I would get really happy when it happened. But I have finally come to realize that he will always come crawling back, and she'll always take him back. She described it to me once like this, after a really serious fight that led to a breakup after she took him back: "It's bad now, but in the beginning when it was good it was so good that I can't let go. I keep trying to get that back." While that makes sense, I'll never be able to see it. One time while they were breaking up, he said "I can't believe I shared the most spiritual music I've ever heard(author's note: a lot of their relationship is built around the band Tool. It's...weird. Really really weird, but whatever, that's the "spiritual music" he's talking about) with someone who has such a negative spirit." As soon as my mom told me he had said this, I stopped pretending like I liked him and started becoming a total bitch about him every chance I get. My mom has gone through so. much. shit. in her life that it's enough to fill five Lifetime movies. And that's only the stuff I know. By all accounts, she should be dead. Yet she is generally a happy person(or at least acts like it) and has one of the greatest senses of humor of anyone I know(I laugh so hard at the stories she tells me about her patients). The fact that she is so strong and such a survivor is one of the things I admire most about her. So for him to say something like that? It showed me that he doesn't know her at all. Aside from the fact that it's just a really bitchy thing to say to anyone.

People generally always use the same arguments when you're the child of a single parent and you don't like who they're dating. The most common has to be that you are jealous you are not the center of your parents world anymore. While I appreciate being labeled as self-centered and petty, the fact is I'm not jealous. In fact, growing up, I really liked (and in one case, dare I say, loved) all of the guys my mom dated. Jealousy is not the issue here. My mom's favorite argument that she constantly throws in my face is that I just don't want to see her happy, plain and simple. This is another argument I appreciate. Way to lay on the guilt. As solid as this argument is, I'm going to have to say that it is not a matter of not wanting to see the person I care about most in the world happy, it is a matter of seeing the person I care about most in the world walking around misreable because of a jackass that doesn't treat her the way she deserves to be treated and that doesn't deserve her time. The third argument I have heard many a time is that hey, it is your parent's life, not yours, let them live it. Back off and stop being such a spoiled petty brat. Okay. I will sit back and keep my mouth shut while the woman who gave me life, my hero, alters her life for an unworthy piece of shit. I'll go sit in a corner and sow until the day master has chosen a husband for me. Then I'll sit in a corner and sow while I'm giving birth to his babies. And also, speaking of staying out of people's lives, who invited you to judge ours? Yeah, thanks, you can see yourself out now.

He makes me sick to my stomach. I hate the fact that there is good chance she may end up marrying him. I hate the fact she may move to California for him. I hate the fact that I'll have to go to California to see her during holidays and spend the holidays with his bratty kids and not together with my family, like we always do. I think I'd hate it more if he came to live with us down here. He would, of course, take my room until they are married(no living in sin in front of my grandfather). He'd play with my dog. He'd sit at my table. Eat my food. The thought revolts me. I wish he'd just go away.

Dang. This is like, the neverending rant. ("Neverending storyyyyy ranttttttttt...oh o oh, oh o oh, oh o oh")

So I'll quit now and go cry into a pillow.

Goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy