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03.12.04 @ 7:03 P.M.
The One With All The Hate Mail

Oh. My. God. The saga cotinues. In the spirit of Chris, I am going to open up my hate mail to the public forum. Buckle up cowboys and girls.

"Hi, I just seen your post about your review.

Please explain to me how what you said about the gay marriages is sarcasm.

I want to go to San Francisco and marry it(you know, they let everyone get married there. Like those pesky homos. Nothing is sacred there! And ya know, once the gays start getting married, what's next? That's right-marrying tasty beverages)

I get how you aren't serious about marrying Capri Sun. Yes they do let everyone get married there, yes nothing is sacred there. So please, explain how that was sarcastic.

As far as the Passion comment goes, if you weren't sarcastic about your apology either, thank you for it. You post wasn't offending, all I said was that I don't see how you got that from the movie. I more than respect that it is your opinion, which is why I didn't go crazy over it.

If your 'readers' 'love you'(Sarah's note:Pay attention to the quote marks around those words. They will become important later) so much, then why do they say the things that they do. Your one reader called me a homophobe, which I am not. How that person got it from your writing and mine, I have absolutely no idea. Then someone said that I was offended by your review and that you were dissing the movie not the religion. Uhm yeah, I never said either. If she got that from your writing and mine, then she misread also. Then that same person says to respect your opinions, which I clearly put across in my review (and I just recently mentioned it) but then she completely disrespects what I said. So all in all it is hard to send sarcasm over the internet without saying so.

If this was all lashing out at the review because it wasn't a high score like your other reviews, then that is just immaturity. If you are handling it the way I thought you would, then I'll keep your review up. Otherwise I see no reason to. Because I spent a lot of my time doing your review that you asked for.


"First, let me say I'm sorry about sending you a blank e-mail. That was unintentional.

Let's take this one section at a time, shall we?

'Hi, I just seen your post about your review.

Please explain to me how what you said about the gay marriages is sarcasm.

I want to go to San Francisco and marry it(you know, they let everyone get married there. Like those pesky homos. Nothing is sacred there! And ya know, once the gays start getting married, what's next? That's right-marrying tasty beverages)

I get how you aren't serious about marrying Capri Sun. Yes they do let everyone get married there, yes nothing is

sacred there. So please, explain how that was sarcastic.'

Ya seen my post, have ya? Okay. I'll explain it, and I'll use small words, so that you're sure to understand. Conservative Christians, the ones that say homosexuality is a sin and use the Bible as justification, the ones that think homosexuals don't deserve to be treated as equal citizens and that the Constitution doesn't apply to people because of who they are attracted to, the ones that make me embarassed to say I believe in the same Jesus they do?(The President of our country is a good example) They always use the same argument when it comes to gay marriage: marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman. If the gays start getting married, whats next? Marrying animals? It's the argument they ALWAYS USE. And that comment? Supposed to mock those people. How can you say nothing is sacred in San Francisco? Because homosexuals are granted the same rights as straight people in that one city of the country? Even though we are supposed to be a tolerant melting pot where there is freedom for all?

'As far as the Passion comment goes, if you weren't sarcastic about your apology either, thank you for it. You post wasn't offending, all I said was that I don't see how you got that from the movie. I more than respect that it is your opinion, which is why I didn't go crazy over it. '

I wasn't being sarcastic about the apology. From reading your review, I got the impression you were offended. To quote:'It made me angry, every word you said.' I was just so shocked that it was offensive to anyone, because it certainly was not meant to be. I do find it odd that you couldn't see where I was coming from. Every. Single. Thing. I have read from other people has said a lot of the same.

'If your 'readers' 'love you' so much, then why do they say the things that they do. Your one reader called me a homophobe, which I am not. How that person got it from your writing and mine, I have absolutely no idea. Then someone said that I was offended by your review and that you were dissing the movie not the religion. Uhm yeah, I never said either. If she got that from your writing and mine, then she misread also. Then that same person says to respect your opinions, which I clearly put across in my review (and I just recently mentioned it) but then she completely disrespects what I said. So all in all it is hard to send sarcasm over the internet without saying so.'

Okay. This part made me mad. This is between you and me. Do not bring my "readers" in to this. And another thing? Why the quotes? I'm sorry, do you think they're a product of my imagination? That I made five or six or thirty five different screen names and that no one really reads my diary? I assure you...the readers are real. They have supported me and made me laugh when I was down. Their comments make my day when I am already feeling good. Not everyone out there misunderstands me and thinks what I write is nonsense. Allow me to explain how that 'one reader' came to feel that you came off as a homophobe:the fact that you took that quote seriously. Go back to the top and read it again if you have forgotten why that quote and agreeing with it would make you come across as a homophobe. 'Someone' must have felt the same way I did and got the same impression you were offended by the Passion review and was also baffled by how you got offended. You're right. It is hard to send sarcasm over the internet. I considered putting in a disclaimer every time I was about to write something sarcastic, but my imaginary readers luckily all seem to get my humor. (Note: THAT WAS SARCASM)

'If this was all lashing out at the review because it wasn't a high score like your other reviews, then that is just immaturity. If you are handling it the way I thought you would, then I'll keep your review up. Otherwise I see no reason to. Because I spent a lot of my time doing your review that you asked for.'

And now the grand finale, the part that made me want to scream in rage. DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I'M THAT PETTY? No...seriously. I'm eighteen years old. We don't know anything about you from the site, so I don't know how old you are. But when you are eighteen years just don't do that. Believe me-I am a big girl. I can handle a bad review. I appreciate the time reviewers take to read my diary. I know how hard it is to read a diary, especially when it is a bad one. You will notice that my score from Slut Reviews is lower than yours. Did I spend two or three or however much I have written about this friggin review entries bitching about it? No. In fact, the only reason I said ANYTHING about this review at ALL was because I was afraid that I had offended my 'readers'. Be it through the Passion review or the infamous quote, I wanted to be sure my 'readers' weren't offended. So take it down if you please, because I'm really over this whole thing. Let's just agree to disagree and go on misunderstanding each other."

"I personally believe that homosexualality is a sin, so lets leave that at that. Sorry for taking your quote seriously. After reading that you believed in Jesus it lead me to believe even further that the quote was anything but sarcasm. I was angry about your Passion entry, not offended.

I put the quotes from your readers in quotes because they are quotes. Get it? I wasn't meaning that they are made up, you are the one who brought that up. I put what they said in " ", because they are quotes from them. Yes this is between you and I. I brought up the readers as an example for me to clarify what I meant in your review concerning the Passion. I've been 18 and thought that since you were 18 you would at least handle it well seeing how yes, you received a lower score from Slut Reviews. This whole thing was a misunderstanding and I wanted to clarify myself.

I'm agreed to disagree."

I hope to God this is the last I write about this. Dear GOD

P.S. I just went back to the site to see if she had taken it down or not. Turns out she lowered my score and took away the favorite quote field. Heh heh. By this last e-mail, she makes it seem like she's older than me, yet I'm the immature one? Hmmm...

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy