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Afternoon Delight-The Channel 4 News Team from Anchorman
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my name's sarah, you can call me sarah, i like cats and elvis music and those bobblehead animals you can put on your car dashboard. mmmmm, pizza pie.

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10.26.03 @ 5:16 P.M.
The Fort Lauderdale Clan

This weekend I went to Fort Lauderdale. It was okay, I guess. It was just that my aunt Joann had started chemo, and she was still sick from it(after the first round, the sickness usually lasts three days). It was really depressing. Last time we went there, yeah, she was in the same condition, but she was in high spirits. My mom made a very good point, and said that since aunt Joann really has no hope at all, she should stop the chemo if she wants to since it only makes the patient misreable. No ones last months should be spent like that. I totally agreed with her. Everyone else did too, except Joann's son Ritchie. It caused some tension, but nothing too scary. What would he be to me, my second cousin? Whatever he is, this weekend I found out all this stuff about him that I hadn't known before. He's a musician, and I found out he plays all these shows for charity and stuff. He supports and gives to all these cancer charities, even before he found out his mom had it. He's a real amazing guy. I've never seen anyone follow a dream like he is. When I was listening to him talk earlier today, he was just saying he WILL make it. It's not "if I ever make it", it's "sure, I have to play these crappy gigs now,but the money will be rolling in soon enough." He's an awesome dude. And his daughter Lauren is sooooo cute and so smart! She's four and my jaw just dropped at all the stuff she was talking about. Yeah, so that was my weekend. Nothing too exciting.

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy