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09.20.03 @ 2:23 P.M.
And the worst friend award goes to...

People will tell you life is precious. People will tell you you should live life to the fullest.

People are FULL OF SHIT.

Here's what you need to know about life: life is unfair. The best people in the world always seem to get screwed. And it always has the same ending, one that isn't all that happy.

I've never met Mike Laska. All I could tell you about Mike Laska is that

1)He's a Marine(and not liking it)

2)Niki is in love with him(time to stop denyin')

3)He plays drums

4)He worked at Papa Johns

5)His best friends name is Jarrett

But when I found out Mike Laska was going to be stationed in Iraq after completing his training, my eyes started to tear up and I came really close to crying. I couldn't bring myself to tell Niki this at the time. So its kind of ridiculous I'm writing it in here now since she reads this. But whatever. I'm really scared for him for some reason. Don't get me wrong. I think its highly unlikely something will happen to him. But I do think he may have to do some killing. And I'm worried about the affect taking the life of a human being that is a perfect stranger will have on a mama's boy that sleeps in cowboy sheets. From what I've gathered from Niki, Mike is an amazing guy, and someone like that shouldn't have to change.

When Niki told me about Mike(well, actually, when I read about it), I wasn't able to say much to her. I know she's scared and depressed and probably crying. I hate that. But I just didn't know what to say to make her feel better. In fact, I spent a lot of the time playing this stupid fucked up game because I was good at it and I knew what to do and it was one thing I had control over and I wasn't completely helpless, which is kinda how I felt when it came to Niki. I want my friends to know that I will always be there for them, I just can't bring myself to say it. If I don't say much, it's only because in your time of need I'd only want to say something that would make you feel better, but I'm nowhere near intelligent enough to think of something. But I'll always always always listen. I'm good at that.

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silly hats only
taste:a lovely combination of vomit and mouthwash
wear:a t-shirt that says "looking for peace of mind...or piece of pizza." i think we all know which I'd prefer
hear:the sounds of people typing
think:i'm going to be up all night because i waited until the last minute to do an assignment. I'll NEVER LEARN.
i am a banana.
- - 11.18.05
The One With All The Pajamas - 10.25.05
The One For Mom - 10.03.05
The One With The Paragraphs Seperated By Song Titles - 08.18.05
The One With Two New Additions To The Family (And Dirty Movies) - 07.13.05
i'm feeling fat & sassy
quote o' the day
"People call me the Bry man; I'm the stylish one of the group. I know what you're asking yourself and the answer is yes. I have a nick name for my penis. Its called the Octagon, but I also nick named my testes - my left one is James Westfall and my right one is Doctor Kenneth Noisewater. You ladies play your cards right you just might get to meet the whole gang. "-Brian Fantana, Anchorman:The Legend of Ron Burgundy